IVR User Testing

Project Goals

Lowe’s Home Improvement was in the process of upgrading their phone system from a DTMF (the phone trees you know and love) to a robust, interactive voice response system. I was brought on as a Senior VUI designer to help upgrade the system by improving the user experience. As part of that process, I led the user testing effort to get feedback on the rollout of our “order status” functionality while still in beta.

Participant Screener

Using UserTesting.com, I created a screener based off of our target users. We wanted people who were familiar with IVR systems, and have called to connect with stores. Having some disposable income for home renovations and an interest in them was also required.

Creating Tasks

I then created a total of 35 questions and tasks based off of the main upgrades we had been working on in the system around orders and checking their statuses. It was important to gauge how the users felt about the ease of use of the IVR and their overall confidence in using the tool to reach their goals.

Highlight Reel

Here are clips of key moments in the user testing from both my moderated and unmoderated sessions.


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